In an effort to foster more fun and connection with our team and explore more of our communities and neighbourhoods, our Boffo team has been taking part in some local adventures lately. This year we’ve launched the #BoffoBehindTheScenes #AdventureSeries. Each month we’re doing something different – suggested and curated with ideas from the team. We’re getting outside our comfort zones, trying new things and in the process learning more about each other and building a strong team connection. So far we’ve snowshoed across a mountain on the sunniest winter day, been surprised by some pretty epic bowling skills and even threw some axes without hurting anyone! We’re excited to continue adventuring and learning more about each other. You can follow along with our #BoffoBehindTheScenes #AdventureSeries as we continue our adventures around the lower mainland.
#BoffoBehindTheScenes #AdventureSeries